"Unpacking the Lyrics of 'Little Miss Perfect': An Exploration of Society's Pressure to Conform"
"Little Miss Perfect" is a song written by Benjamin Rauhala and Joriah Kwamé. It was performed by Taylor Louderman as part of the Write Out Loud competition, which highlights up-and-coming musical theater songwriters. The song is about a girl who is perceived as perfect but is hiding a more complex inner life. She eventually experiences a moment of liberation and self-discovery, but also realizes that doing so may come with consequences. The song's themes include conformity, self-discovery, and the pressure to maintain an image of perfection. Table of Contents Lyrics -Little Miss Perfect. Purpose of the blog Background information on the songwriters and performer Themes in "Little Miss Perfect" The Character of Little Miss Perfect Significance of "Little Miss Perfect" Legacy of "Little Miss Perfect" Reflection on the Themes o f "Little Miss Perfect Lyrics -Little Miss Perfect. Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward Stra...